About the website

The processing of personal data collected by this website complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, which concerns the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation).

All your personal information collected in contact forms, comment boxes, contests, purchases, or subscriptions will be used to improve the experience on this site. Ensuring the confidentiality of the personal data of the users of this site is very important to me.

The use of ALEXMONTEIRO.PT implies acceptance of this Privacy Agreement.

Who we are‍

ALEXMONTEIRO.PT is a site for promoting courses, digital products, design services, consulting, training, and project management, conducted or led by Alexandre Monteiro ("we" or "our") operates (the "Site").

Collected data

Contact or registration forms
Contact or registration forms
Contact or registration forms
Contact or registration forms
Contact or registration forms

When a user registers on the newsletter forms, personal data such as name, email, location, among others, are collected.


Cookies are short text files with relevant information that your browser processes when a site is visited by a user. Cookies are used on this site to store information, such as your personal preferences. Placing cookies also helps the site recognize the device used to visit the site and improve the experience. Cookies only retain information related to your preferences, not revealing personal data.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics to record information about the pages a user has visited, such as the URL of the page, the time of day, the device used, among others. The information we collect is anonymous and sent to Google Analytics for analysis. Google Analytics mainly uses first-party cookies to inform about visitors' interactions on this website. Users can disable cookies or delete any individual cookie. Google Analytics also collects IP addresses to provide and protect the security of the service and to give website owners a sense of which country, state or city in the world users come from (also known as "IP geolocation"). Google Analytics data is retained for 38 months.

Translated with (free version)

‍Are you receiving emails from me?
‍Are you receiving emails from me?
‍Are you receiving emails from me?
‍Are you receiving emails from me?
‍Are you receiving emails from me?

When you register on the website, fill out a newsletter, contact form or purchase a product, the data provided will be used to send brand communication emails. The option to unsubscribe from receiving these emails is available in all newsletters.

External Links
External Links
External Links
External Links
External Links

ALEXMONTEIRO.PT may link to external sites when they have useful information or tools for the user. This privacy policy does not apply to those sites, so if you visit another site from here, you should read its privacy policy.

At ALEXMONTEIRO.PT we are not responsible for the privacy policy or content of websites other than our own.

How do I use your data

How do I use your data

How do I use your data

How do I use your data

How do I use your data

I use your data to::

  • Operate, maintain and improve the website;

  • Create content of interest to visitors;

  • Add to our email list for brand communication;

  • Respond to user contact requests.

At no time are your data provided or sold to external companies or used for purposes other than those defined above.‍

For how long are your data stored
For how long are your data stored
For how long are your data stored
For how long are your data stored
For how long are your data stored

Unless exempt, such as Google Analytics (38 months), your data is retained indefinitely.

If you want to delete your data
If you want to delete your data
If you want to delete your data
If you want to delete your data
If you want to delete your data

At any time, you can send an email to asking to change or delete your data.

At any time, you can send an email to asking to change or delete your data.

At any time, you can send an email to asking to change or delete your data.

At any time, you can send an email to asking to change or delete your data.

At any time, you can send an email to asking to change or delete your data.